The San Diego Gun Show: A Guide for the Gun-Curious and People Interested in Self-Defense

Whether you’re a seasoned gun owner or simply curious about firearms and self-defense, the San Diego / Escondido Gun Show offers a welcoming and educational environment for the entire family. […]
Seasoned Gun Owner’s Guide to the San Diego Gun Show

You’ve been to a couple of gun shows, (maybe a lot of gun shows?) and you know what they’re like. The 4 rules of gun safety have been ingrained as […]
Family Guide to the San Diego Gun Show

The San Diego Gun Show is a family-friendly event. The Second Amendment is all about your right to protect yourself and your loved ones. So why not bring your loved […]
New Gun Owners Guide to the San Diego Gun Show

With so much to do and see at the upcoming San Diego Gun Show sponsored by USCCA, it can be overwhelming at first blush, especially if this is your first […]
You’re Preparing for the Wrong Apocalypse

Working behind the counter at a gun store, a big part of my job involved answering customers’ questions. With any type of product, prospective buyers always want to know what […]
Why Does Everyone Hate .40 S&W?

There’s no doubt about it—we gun guys like to argue. If you’ve been in the gun world long enough, you’ve witnessed and probably even participated in a few of the […]
Book Review: Black Rifle II

“Common knowledge” can be a tricky thing for people who specialize in facts. As a military history writer, it is incumbent on me to ensure the veracity of any claims […]