Get More Students with the
Instructor Partner Program

Use Gun Owners Radio to market your business

Grow Awareness

Connect with New Students

Support the 2A Fight

Most instructors are great teachers
but struggle with marketing their business.

Is your time better spent teaching or wrestling with MailChimp?

Stay top-of-mind with your students

Keep in touch with a professionally managed monthly newsletter.

Educate your

Continue to teach and encourage your students to join the 2A fight.

Build your SEO Rankings

Listing on the Gun Owners Radio directory helps your SEO.

Demonstrate leadership by example

Donated training shows how you lead by example in the 2A fight.

Enjoy higher

Donated training is promoted to ALL Gun Owners Radio followers.

Benefit from a higher sense of legitimacy

Your expertise is boosted when a community leader features you.

Instructor Partner Program



Our team works with you to set up your directory listing, landing page, and email marketing.



Do your interview on the show and we’ll help you create short-format video for social media.



Donate training for the prize drawing that is promoted in San Diego, Inland Empire and Orange County

Enjoy the satisfaction that you are helping to grow the 2A community by educating and encouraging your students to become an active supporter in the battle for the Second Amendment.


An in-studio interview published on YouTube and the podcast helps potential and past students get to know you.

Your business gets an enhanced listing in the website. Backlinks from authoritative websites help build search engine rankings.

A professionally designed series of emails sent to your students helps keep you top-of-mind and educate them about Gun Owners Radio and the Second Amendment Political fight.

Our team will help you produce 3 short video segments to be used during the commercial breaks on the livestream, social media, and your nurture email campaign.

Training that you donate is used as a drawing prize. Your business is promoted to the Gun Owners Radio audience as well as the political action committees in San Diego, Orange County, and Inland Empire. You get visibility and show your leadership in the Second Amendment fight.

Take this off your todo list. Stay in touch with a professionally managed email newsletter to YOUR students about YOUR business, hosted on Gun Owners Radio’s marketing platform.


DIY Video

Make the short videos yourself
$ 200 Monthly
  • Radio Show Interview
  • Directory Listing
  • Nurture Email Campaign
  • DIY: Short Video Production
  • Prize Drawing Promotion
  • Managed Newsletter
  • $50 per 1K subscribers/month

Full Service

Go for it!
$ 200 Monthly
  • Radio Show Interview
  • Directory Listing
  • Nurture Email Campaign
  • Short Video Production
  • Prize Drawing Promotion
  • Managed Newsletter
  • $50 per 1K subscribers/month

When more people are educated and engaged,
the easier we will be able to defend and restore our Second Amendment rights.

  • Get featured on Gun Owners Radio
  • Educate & encourage your students to join the 2A fight
  • Demonstrate Second Amendment leadership
  • Keep in touch with your students with done-for-you email marketing
  • Effectively promote your business to the 2A community
  • Get educational content from you 
  • Get educated on the Second Amendment fight
  • Connect with the local 2A community
  • The show is introduced to more gun owners
  • Gun Owners Radio becomes a more valuable resource to the community
  • Sponsors enjoy a bigger audience 
  • More people learn the truth about guns and gun ownership.
  • More gun owners get involved in Second Amendment activism.
  • More PRO2A officials get elected on the city and county levels.

Apply Now