SB 2 Creates Strange Bedfellows
We in the Second Amendment community are always on high alert for new infringements on our right to keep and bear arms. Whenever anti-gun politicians trot out a new law […]
Breaking Down the Second Amendment: Militia Act of 1792
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution clearly states, “A well regulated [sic] Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep […]
Are the People of California Citizens or Subjects? – Those who rule California seem to care little about the rights of citizens, what’s next, Prima Nocta?
The founders of our country were very knowledgeable regarding the societies of ancient Greece and Rome. Many of the concepts built into our government in turn guided by our Constitution […]
A Lost Generation
By Garrison Ham “You are all a lost generation.” – Gertrude SteinThe world changed for many of us on 9/11. Millennials growing up in the 90’s witnessed their world become […]
Is State Mandated Training for Concealed Carry a Good Idea? – Does it increase public safety or infringe on a constitutionally protected right?
Can state mandated training make an irresponsible person responsible? As a firearms instructor I’m a big advocate of regular, purposeful, training. Anyone intending to carry a firearm in public has […]
Another Step Toward Universal Registration?
Last Wednesday, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives issued a behemoth 108-page notice of proposed rulemaking regarding licensing requirements for firearm dealers. At the direction of the Biden-Harris […]
State of the Second Amendment
Independence Day is a time for everyone in the United States to celebrate this country’s proud history and reflect on how it came to be. For Second Amendment activists, part […]
Obituary for the NRA
Here lies the National Rifle Association; born November 17th, 1871; faded into irrelevance June 1st, 2023. The oldest and largest self-proclaimed pro-Second-Amendment organization is survived and succeeded by the Gun […]
“Concealed Carry Killers” Debunked
How useful are firearms for personal protection? It’s an important question. Self-defense is one of the most important justifications we have for the right to keep and bear arms; we […]
The Legacy of Ruby Ridge
Everyone knows about the Ruby Ridge incident. Even those of us who weren’t alive in 1992 when it occurred know the story: federal agents entrapped Randy Weaver on administrative firearm […]