SB 2 Creates Strange Bedfellows

We in the Second Amendment community are always on high alert for new infringements on our right to keep and bear arms. Whenever anti-gun politicians trot out a new law […]
EMERGENCY. CCW Related. Please Read.

Hello,I am writing this email with great sadness. I am also writing with determination and motivation. Today, Senate Bill 2 or SB2 became law. Our lawsuit, Carralero v. Bonta, is […]
Open Carry is Stupid

Introduction As of the writing of this blog post, 31 states allow open carry without a permit; 15 more allow open carry but have some stipulations and special requirements attached. […]
Shall-Issue vs. May-Issue

Introduction One of the most important results of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen last summer is that it strikes down what we call “may-issue” concealed carry […]
Concealed Carry Laws: A Convenient Fantasy

California Governor Gavin Newsom and his associates have been campaigning lately for Senate Bill 2, a bill which would further strengthen the state’s already excessive concealed carry laws. Among the […]
Are Gun Grabbers Realizing the Jig Is Up?

The observant among you may have noticed anti-gun messaging start to change as of late. Gone are calls for gun control, now replaced by the same insidious concept under a […]