Gun Owners Symposium is coming on October 22 & 23! Admission is FREE with San Diego gun show admission! ($15)

SB 2 Creates Strange Bedfellows

We in the Second Amendment community are always on high alert for new infringements on our right to keep and bear arms. Whenever anti-gun politicians trot out a new law […]

Journalistic Irresponsibility and Firearms

It’s been said that one never realizes just how uninformed the typical journalist is until he or she covers a topic with which the reader is familiar. Bestselling novelist Michael […]

“Concealed Carry Killers” Debunked

How useful are firearms for personal protection? It’s an important question. Self-defense is one of the most important justifications we have for the right to keep and bear arms; we […]

How To Get Away With Murder

Well, not murder exactly, but manslaughter. As you might have heard by now, New Mexico special prosecutors have filed to dismiss the case against Alec Baldwin in the shooting death […]

Are Gun Grabbers Realizing the Jig Is Up?

The observant among you may have noticed anti-gun messaging start to change as of late. Gone are calls for gun control, now replaced by the same insidious concept under a […]

The “Industry Lobby” Fallacy

In the ongoing culture war over the right to keep and bear arms, we often hear accusations of astroturfing and complaints over the pervasive power of lobbyists in Washington. Using […]