Train with Massad Ayoob Group in San Diego

Want to take a Massad Ayoob Group Class, but don’t want to pay for air fare & lodging? Author of In the Gravest Extreme, Massad Ayoob has been called the […]
Father’s Day Gift Guide for the Gun Owner Who Has Everything (And Supports 2A!)

This Father’s Day, show Dad you care about his passion for firearms and his unwavering support of the Second Amendment. Skip the tie and socks, and check out this gift […]
County Moves to Make a Permanent Anti-Gun Department

On Tuesday, February 6th, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 3 to 2 to move forward with 18 suggestions to reduce “gun violence.” The 18 suggestions came from […]
Refuse to be a Victim

Refuse to be a VictimBy Desi Bergman, NotMeSD Project Manager Last week The Voice of San Diego published an article, Police Response Times are up Dramatically. The time it takes […]
Book Review: Black Rifle II

“Common knowledge” can be a tricky thing for people who specialize in facts. As a military history writer, it is incumbent on me to ensure the veracity of any claims […]
Enough Is Enough, It’s Time to Abolish ATF

For the superstitious, Friday the 13th is a day associated with death and misfortune. Someone must’ve opened an umbrella indoors or walked under a ladder, because this year’s first Friday […]