Gun Owners Symposium is coming on October 22 & 23! Admission is FREE with San Diego gun show admission! ($15)
1:29 – Guest Intros
10:01 – TJ Johnston & Orange County’s 2A Picks for Judge
35:21 – Ghost Gun Busting with Dan Wos
55:53 – Vote for Kelly Martinez for San Diego County Sheriff
1:20:12 – What makes the Altor 9mm unique?
It’s an election year and we need YOUR HELP to get more PRO2A candidates elected! TJ Johnston from talks about the best picks for Judge in Orange County. Dan Wos joins the show to dispel misconceptions around #guns and the term du-jour, ‘ghost guns.’ Endorsed candidate for San Diego Sheriff, Kelly Martinez joins the show to share why she’s the best choice for sheriff.
Gun Prom is coming on June 18, 2022! This is the must-attend event of the year if you support the Second Amendment in California. Get your tickets now at
It’s also an election year, and we need your help to elect more #PRO2A officials. Download the voter guide for your county below!
TJ Johnston, founder of AllSafe Defensive Systems, is one of the most influential leaders in modern defensive practice. “You have the right to carry, but you have the responsibility to train.” Listen to TJ’s segment for his recommendations for PRO2A judges in Orange County.
Dan Wos, author of “Good Gun, Bad Guy,” brings back the report from “Rock the Red.” As the only Second Amendment advocate at the event, he talked about the terminology gun control advocates use to demonize guns and gun owners. Did you know guns are used defensively 2.5 MILLION times to protect people per year?
Get to know Kelly Martinez, San Diego County Gun Owners’ vetted and endorsed candidate for San Diego Sheriff. Watch this segment and learn why she earned SDCGO’s endorsement as the best choice for San Diego Sheriff for gun owners.
Stump My Nephew! What makes the Altor 9mm unique?
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