Seasoned Gun Owner’s Guide to the San Diego Gun Show

You’ve been to a couple of gun shows, (maybe a lot of gun shows?) and you know what they’re like. The 4 rules of gun safety have been ingrained as […]
Family Guide to the San Diego Gun Show

The San Diego Gun Show is a family-friendly event. The Second Amendment is all about your right to protect yourself and your loved ones. So why not bring your loved […]
New Gun Owners Guide to the San Diego Gun Show

With so much to do and see at the upcoming San Diego Gun Show sponsored by USCCA, it can be overwhelming at first blush, especially if this is your first […]
The 9th Circuit Gets It Right! Amazing! – Goodness has triumphed over evil, at least for the time being

On Saturday the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals made a correct and just ruling by reinstating the injunction barring the implementation of the “sensitive areas” part of SB2. This ruling […]
SB2 Defeated! (for the moment) – The people of California have won a battle in the war against the ruling tyrants currently choking the life out of our state

On 20 December 2023 the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California issued a temporary injunction prohibiting enforcement of sections of SB2 dealing with prohibition of concealed carry […]
Israel, a Model for Gun Control? – How Israel viewed civilian ownership of firearms prior to October 7th might surprise you.

Many people, me included, were of the opinion that Israeli citizens had a responsible view regarding firearms and were well armed and trained for personal protection. I was wrong. The […]
Are the People of California Citizens or Subjects? – Those who rule California seem to care little about the rights of citizens, what’s next, Prima Nocta?

The founders of our country were very knowledgeable regarding the societies of ancient Greece and Rome. Many of the concepts built into our government in turn guided by our Constitution […]
California’s New Gun Rights Infringement Bills – Fifteen great ideas from Sacramento to make your life safer and happier

Americans are suffering at the hands of our two major political parties. In their current configurations, we can reasonably refer to these parties as the Evil party and the Stupid […]
Is State Mandated Training for Concealed Carry a Good Idea? – Does it increase public safety or infringe on a constitutionally protected right?

Can state mandated training make an irresponsible person responsible? As a firearms instructor I’m a big advocate of regular, purposeful, training. Anyone intending to carry a firearm in public has […]
Have California Gun Owners Become Institutionalized? – When people have their basic rights oppressed for long periods do they become more accepting of further restrictions?

I had the opportunity recently to watch the Shawshank Redemption. Some of you may remember the film starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. Freeman plays long-time prisoner Ellis “Red” Redding […]